Sunday, November 13, 2005


Something had to change, and something(s) did. There have been some interesting and positive twists since my last entry. The details are unimportant, at least as far as a public blog is concerned, but what is important is how a few small things can change so much.

In any event, I've been running hard again. I have put myself on a strict running schedule and have stuck to it (except today). I have my eyes turned towards completing another half marathon and beating my time from Vancouver. I have three friends who have all expressed interest in running with me regularly which is very exciting since it combines socializing with exercise making it the best of both worlds.

As far as friends go, I've been getting to know a new friend in a whole new capacity. He's not a love interest, per se, but has been slowly, but steadily, endearing himself to me. He's hip without pretension, smart without nerdiness, handsome without arrogance, and funny without being unreacheable. I like him and I like the way we he makes me feel around him. I'm glad our lives have collided in the way they have.

That's all I can muster on this Sunday evening. I was up late late late last night and my brain feels like it's only functioning at minimum operational levels.

When I turn my feelings on
I turn my feelings on inside
Feel like I'm gonna ignite
- Spoon


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