Thursday, September 22, 2005

Technical Difficulties

Something is seriously wrong with my computer leaving me unable to log into this site from home : ( Luckily, I have a lovely friend who has generously offered to help me fix up my whole system next weekend so I should be set after that. I've decided to give up on Linux and go back to Windows. Yes, I am admitting defeat! It's not that I couldn't figure out Linux eventually, it's just that I don't have the passion or inclination to do so. I have figured out a great deal, but I've come to the realization that sitting in front of my computer until late in the evening puzzling over Linux is NOT fun for me. In addition, I'm in the midst of taking a course and all of the practice exams that I need to load on my computer are only made for Windows operating systems. So, we will be doing an entire system overhaul, reinstalling Windows, and a bunch of new programs. I am incredibly excited about the thought of a fully functional computer again! wOOt!


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