Thursday, October 20, 2005

Good Vibrations

Whooosh! This week has been filled with excitement and it has flown by as a result. I have a brand new project at work that I am VERY excited about! It is an actual research project that will involve a literature review, a carefully planned out strategy, a site visit to another agency in another city, and lots and lots and lots of work. I am excited because if this project takes off and is actually implemented it WILL have a positive impact on the city itself. The other exciting part is that I think this project could be used for a masters degree which I am hoping to start next year! At this point, however, it is huge and daunting and I am trying to figure out where to even begin.

Aside from work, life has been chugging along nicely. I've had the opportunity to spend some quality time with good friends and that always makes me feel good. I also have found a worthy opponent for Scrabble and have been getting more than my fill of the game! This opponent is seriously a good challenge and beats me more often than I beat him which just makes me want to play more!

In summary, there are good things on the horizon.


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