Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday afternoon survey

I get sent these things all the time and decided to spend the last bit of my day completing one.

01. Your name plus "y"

02. Two feelings at the moment?
tired and excited for tonight.

03. What are you listening to right now?
the buzzing of my computer and the fluorescent lights in my office.

04. A part of a song lyric that's in your mind:
like a star in the night, baby i've fallen for you.

05. Describe where you are right now?
sitting at my desk waiting for this work week to end.

06. The highlight of your week?
hmmm…i'd have to go with the conversation that i had on monday night.

07. What are you craving to have right now?
a nap.

08. Any unforgettable childhood memory?
Dancing while my mom played piano.

09. A not-so-good childhood memory?
I had a little sponge sandwich for the bath and decided that sticking a piece of the lettuce up my nose was a good idea. It wasn't.

10. What are your nicknames?
I don't really have any.

11. Your three plans for tomorrow?
sleeping in late, working out with kelly, hanging out with eli.

12. Your three plans for today?
get through the last hour of work, workout, a dinner date.

13. Are you thinking of someone right now?
sure am.

14.ever gotten drunk before?
gasp! no (yes)

16. Are you single?

17. Say something to the person who posted this before you?
thank you for helping me waste some of the last hour of work.

18. Mary has her little lamb. What do you want?
sustained happiness.

19. What colour are your eyes?

20. Say anything you like to whoever is reading your answers.
thanks for reading my thoughts.

21. Are you feeling hungry?

22. Who do you miss right now?

23. Last friend you talked to online?

24. What do you like about night?
that's when the stars shine2

5. If you were on a farm what would you want to see?
baby farm animals. specifically, goats, bunnies, kittens, and pigs.

26. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a doctor. hahaha. i guess i didn't realize that being good at math and science were requirements for this career choice!

27. Last gift?
martini glasses.

28. Did you like it?

29. Do you play an instrument?
i have a guitar and i can play a few chords.

30. What song did you last hear?
strange brew by cream.

31. Your good luck charm?
the crystal that kevin gave me.

32. Person you hate most?
i'm trying to reduce the hate in my life and answering this honestly would merely perpetuate it.

33. Who makes you laugh the most?
one of my co-workers should be a stand-up comic.

34. What makes you smile?
being around people i like.

35. Who has a crush on YOU?
the guy i'm dating

36.Who do YOU have a crush on?
the guy i'm dating


Blogger Eli said...

35. Who has a crush on YOU?
the guy i'm dating



1/18/2006 11:43 p.m.  

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