Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Dear Work: You Suck

Ugh. You know that feeling when you wake up, look at the clock and realize that your alarm didn't go off and it's now 8:35am and you have to leave right NOW for work if you have any hope of making the 9am meeting that you are expected at? Except, you went to bed last night with wet hair so your hair is now sticking straight up in five different directions and there is no way that you can go to work looking that way. Ugh! So, you quickly jump into the shower and jump out of the shower and literally run out of the house with wet hair and the anxiety of trying to make a twenty-minute drive only take thirteen minutes? That pretty much sums up my morning.

Then, before even having a chance to have a sip of coffee I was sitting at a boardroom table being told that I have a presentation due TOMORROW because the boss of my boss is going on vacation and decided that he wants to peruse my work while on holidays but I will have to wait for him to get me a bunch of information which for some reason he couldn't get me until 3pm giving me a mere two hours to work on it! So, I drop everything else, scramble to get it done, and he has the audacity to critique the fact that it wasn't snazzy enough for his liking. He actually said "we like lots of pictures to keep it interesting". HOW OLD ARE THEY THAT THEY NEED PICTURES TO KEEP THEIR ATTENTION? Shouldn't the fact that they are making important decisions be enough to captivate them? Grrrrr.

I have a headache.
I am grumpy.
Work, you suck this week.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"we like lots of pictures to keep it interesting!" ???


by the way: happy birthday (belatedly)

1/05/2006 10:48 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your boss' boss needs pictures? Kind of puts things in perspective, doesn't it?

I am the absolute worst for waking up before my alarm, feeling alert, and deciding to lay there for a few minutes. Half an hour later I'm scrambling around trying to get ready for work. :P

1/05/2006 10:53 a.m.  
Blogger Derelict said...

Ah, management. My managers at my current job aren't bad. But, really, none of them have any IT training. They probably have no more schooling than I do, but they make more money and have more benefits. Makes me wonder why I went into IT. Sounds like business would have been better.

Making presentations is fun, though. I wish they'd let me make presentations.

1/05/2006 6:24 p.m.  
Blogger Darth! said...

Not only is the "pictures" commenta good source of frustration, the fact that it comes directly after a week off for Xmas is like puring salt into the wound.

Tomorrow is Friday.

1/06/2006 1:40 a.m.  
Blogger Darth! said...



1/06/2006 1:41 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

work is gay

1/06/2006 6:32 p.m.  

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