Saturday, December 24, 2005


Spending a bunch of days with my family tends to make me reflective and that is certainly true this visit. I think it's because there tends to be a lot of down time which lends itself to mind wandering, contemplation, and reflection. I can't help but think about what my life was like last year at this time. Last year, I was supposed to go on a road trip to California to attend a party in the desert but at the last minute changed my mind (for very good reason) and stayed with my family. I remember spending the holidays last year being inconsolably upset. My Dad got so worried about me that he planned a last-minute trip to Radium with the hope that taking me somewhere else would cheer me up a little bit. At the end of last year I was convinced that 2005 would be a horrible year and that the whole universe was conspiring against me. Interestingly, the opposite ended up being true. As the year unfolded, I found myself sorting more and more stuff out and I would say that this year has been a turning point to a much more positive place.

For the first time in a long time I've been consistently happy. I won't pretend that everything is perfect or that things are 100% the way that I would have them be if I was able to just wave a magic wand but I really don't have much to complain about. I have a fantastic job, great friends, a pretty decent relationship with my family, and lots of exciting plans for the future. All of the conflict that I had has faded away. I don't let people drag me into their drama anymore. I refuse to fight with people that I don't respect or even like. I've been getting a lot better at just shrugging my shoulders and letting things slip right off me.

I am looking forward to 2006. Here's a sampling of things I'm looking forward to:

- I hope to start grad school in September
- I've made some new friends who are awesome and who I look forward to getting to know better
- Julia has challenged me to run the Vancouver 1/2 marathon with her in May
- I am going to write (and pass, I hope!) the Certified Fraud Examiner's Exam
- I am going on a trip somewhere. I don't know where or when or with whom but I have put money aside and am going somewhere!
- Jen's wedding in February
- Stopping biting my nails. Seriously. I'm too old to be doing that. Enough is enough. Seriously.

I hope that wherever in the world you are, that you are feeling as optimistic about the new year. Have you made any resolutions? What are they? What are you looking forward to in the new year? Come on, indulge me!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I too am looking forward to what 2006 has in store for me. Since this year has had its fair share of challenges, I trust that next year will be much better. After learning so much from my struggles, I feel as though I have nowhere to look but up towards the future. Some specific things I am excited about in 2006
-developing some new relationships in my life. one in particular that brings a big smile to my face :D
-Having the entire summer off again to go backpacking and spend even more time in the great outdoors. I was reminded how important this is to me this summer past.
-Finally kicking the last remnants of an insidious addiction to nicotine
-saving & preparing for an epic journey travelling overseas
-becoming more responsible with the administrative details of life; I learned some hard lessons this fall.
-finally meeting Miss k

12/27/2005 12:07 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

meeting me? that's an aspiration? awe.
kp...i *think* i know who you might be? do i?
perhaps you will be out tonite for leah's bday? i will be making an appearance, obviously!

12/28/2005 12:08 p.m.  

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