Friday, December 09, 2005

Rude Bruce

Something happened to me today that should NEVER happen to a woman! It was awful, awkward, uncomfortable, and put a damper on an otherwise stellar day! After work I had a Christmas schmoozing function where I wined and dined with all sorts of important movers and shakers. With a glass of red wine in hand, I ran into a guy that I very occasionally deal with in the course of my work. It's been a while since I last saw him so I tried to be polite and said, "Hi Bruce, I'm not sure if you remember me or not, I'm Leah...", at which point he interrupted and said "Of course I remember you!" He then smiled, put his hand ON MY STOMACH, rubbed it in a circular motion and said "I don't remember this though", implying that I was PREGNANT! I was so aghast at his remark that I just stood there with my jaw open. I nervously laughed and pretended that I didn't hear what he said and started talking about something (I don't even know what, I was just trying to change the subject!) Now, I am not rail thin but I am in pretty good shape, have a 26 inch waist, and most certainly do NOT look the least bit pregnant!

What bothers me most is that I found his remark rude and it seriously bothered me but I didn't say anything. I really, really wanted to but the moment passed and it didn't seem appropriate at the end of the conversation to say, "look fucker, don't EVER say that to another woman unless you are positive that she is going to pop out a baby any minute." I am hurt and insulted by his comment because I've actually been working quite hard at changing my body into a sleeker, sexier version of itself and I'm quite proud of the progress that I've made. Countless evenings I've gone out running when I'd rather not have, countless mornings I've gotten up early to get my run in when I would have rather slept. It bothers me that a stranger's thoughtless remark would bother me as much as it did.

Thankfully, the evening ended on a much nicer note when I met the lovely Miss K for Baileys and girl talk. It's interesting that my last entry was all about not opening up and putting up walls because I am distinctively not like that with Kim and I was conscious of that as I spoke to her tonight. The difference is that I trust Kim implicitely, have built up years of goodwill with her, and know that she loves me through and through. It is possible to get to that point with me, it just takes time.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should be proud leah, you look good.

i admire you for all the effort and dedication you put into your running. i wish i had one tenth of your willpower for such things.

12/09/2005 3:04 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. I think anyone would be shocked and mortified - it's so random.

At any rate, this guy obviously isn't so astute, so you really can't take his opinion into account. He's also obviously completely oblivious of social norms. PS. Hello, you were holding a glass of WINE.

Beyond that, I've always wondered why people all of a sudden find it okay to rub someone's stomach if she's pregnant. Whether they know them well or not. I've seen complete strangers go up and rub a woman's tummy in a grocery store - while the woman has a wtf look on her face.

12/09/2005 1:28 p.m.  
Blogger Derelict said...

Yeah, I would have given the guy shit (being a guy, my perspective might be different, but still). Not so much over the pregnant comment, but over him touching your stomach univited. I think the whole thing is creepy more than anything else.

12/11/2005 6:44 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That made me gasp/laugh loudly in the middle of class. Like seriously, who say's that...especially to know I think your a looker!

12/13/2005 3:37 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe he was commenting on how your belly was *smaller* than the last time he saw you?

12/15/2005 3:13 p.m.  
Blogger Leah said...

michelle - i'd love it if that's what he was implying but unfortunately i think it was what i originally thought. another co-worker of mine was there too and she thought that's what he meant. also, the level of awkwardness that ensued could only be attributed to foot-in-mouth-syndrome : )

12/19/2005 11:08 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As derelict said it is awkward for a man to comment on such an occurrence.
Do not be bothered that u are bothered becuz women want to be appreciated ,to have someone notice the effort they have made into being more physically fit,into being more feminine.
Remember the effort is an investment in ur physical and psychological well being.
Same with graduate school-ur biggest fan needs to be Leah.
Remember men tend to be superficial.Also as pointed out
he was probably over the Blood
Alcohol Index.

12/22/2005 7:20 a.m.  

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