Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Three Things

I'm feeling a bit out of sorts today but instead of focusing on that I'd rather share three positive things.

Right beside my office there is a house undergoing roof construction. Today I walked by at lunchtime and the four young guys who were working on it stopped and glanced over at me as I passed them. One of them said to another, "now that is a beautiful girl", which got a smile out of me and another said "miss, you have a really lovely smile". Now, I'm fully aware that they probably said the exact same things to every other woman who walked by but it was a pleasant jolt out of the mundaneness of the day.

It's gorgeous today. Fluffy snowflakes are falling and covering everything they touch with a white coating. The world looks pristine and sparkly and I like the way my shoes make footprints through the softly packed snow. I quite like winter. I like the way my cheeks go bright red when I walk inside somewhere warm. I love the lingering conversations that can happen over red wine and a fireplace on a cold evening. I like the huggable fabrics that people favour in cooler months like cashmere, wool, and velour. There is a distinct feeling to winter and I've grown to embrace it.

Yesterday, I received a sweet email from my friend, Julia, who is now living in Vancouver. Julia is one of those people who brightens up a room when she walks in. She's quirky, beautiful, kind, funny, and fun...the girl that people notice and whisper about in the "who is THAT girl" sort of way. I first met her a couple years ago and we clicked instantly. We only lived in the same city for about 5 or 6 months altogether but we became quite close in that time and I've really missed her since she left. Julia and I learned how to knit together by finding how-to-knit sites on the internet. We sat for hours one evening with our noses pressed close to the screen trying to make sense of the nonsensical diagrams. Another evening she was painting a picture at my apartment and when Reese got in her way she warned her and then punished her by painting Reese's nose while saying "tsk, tsk, tsk...bad kitty". She lost my favourite pair of (irreplaceable) mittens one night while out on a walk and I didn't even get upset because it was her who lost them.

When I think of her, I can't help but smile. Her email was asking me to come out to visit her in Vancouver and in a fortuitous series of events it looks like I may be heading to her city in the next couple months on a business trip. She wrote in her distinctive Julia style, "I don't really have words for how I miss you or why, I just do". Awwwwww.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

are you still out of sorts? I'm putting 50 pizza pies on no.

12/02/2005 6:41 p.m.  

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