Friday, August 12, 2005


Tonight was such a beautiful evening. A. and I went for another walk together -- this time we sat by the river watching the sun set. We do the most romantic things, but they never seem contrived or cheesy. We walked holding hands and I felt such a sense of wonder at how easy all of this has been. No drama or worry or guilt or anything --it all feels like it's unfolding exactly as it's supposed to. He turned to me and gently kissed me as the wind rustled through the trees and when I shivered he wrapped his arms around me and I felt my whole body melt into him. Our night was cut short because a friend of his was arriving from out of town and they are going away for the weekend. I won't see him again until next week but that feels completely okay. I love spending time with him, but I haven't gone completely crazy where I'm desiring to be with him every moment of every day. It all feels exceptionally healthy and nice. This might just be the most "normal" start to a relationship that I've ever had.

I've started to wonder what he might think about me writing about him like this and I'm feeling like I'm going to have to stop now that things seem to be getting more serious. It's one thing to recount dates when they are informal and not very serious, but I don't have any desire to publish every detail of our relationship in a public forum (and really, I'm sure that none of you desire to read that anyways!) So, we've kissed and held hands and are edging closer to dating and that's where the public part of this story will end.


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