Sunday, May 22, 2005


I drink a lot of orange juice! I like the taste of it and it's a good way to get lots of Vitamin C, but it bothers me to think about how much sugar (even though they are natural occurring sugars) that I consume with each glass. So, I was excited when I noticed the other day that Tropicana has come out with a new "light and healthy" orange juice that has half of the sugar and calories of their regular orange juice. It is sweetened with sucralose and boasts all of the flavour in their regular type.

Well, I tried it yesterday and I give it two thumbs down. There is something that just doesn't taste quite right about it. It tastes distinctively diet which seems weird in an orange juice. I'd rather drink half of the amount of the regular type and have it taste good than try to force myself to enjoy the light.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Try diluting regular OJ with Brita water.

-the moose

5/23/2005 3:35 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what she said!...

5/24/2005 9:14 a.m.  

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