Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Big News

I haven't been posting much at all even though I've had a lot to say. The reason? I have big news that I've had to keep under wraps until now and it was difficult to write without talking about what was *really* on my mind.

In October I'm going to be moving eastward, across Canada, and making Toronto my new home. Eli landed a cool job with Six Shooter Records and after a LOT of talking and thinking and talking and thinking, we have decided to make the move together. I'm really excited and about a hundred other emotions all combined. At this point, I'm not sure exactly what I'll do there but I've started making enquiries and applying for jobs. I have some contacts at the Toronto Police and have been told that there might be some positions posted by the end of the year. I'm also contemplating grad school for Fall 2007. There are so many options!

The time is going to pass really quickly between now and then and we both have a lot to do before we go. I have to decide if I'm going to sell my condo or rent it, we have to figure out how to move all our stuff across the country, and we need to find a place to live. Still, I've told myself to not get too overwhelmed by the administrative stuff. In the large scheme of things those are the little things.

Over the last couple months we've had long talks about our relationship, about living together, about deciding where to live, about being apart and about being together. We've talked about the future and where we see our lives going. The one thing that remains consistent is that we both see our lives going forward together. We've come so far from those early days of flirting nervously over Scrabble games at the Sugarbowl. Who would have thought that in a year we'd be moving in together in a new city? Not me. Not him. Yet, we both feel that it's the right thing to do.

Amy has this quote on her website:
"If we do not change our direction, we are likely to end up where we are headed." I've read it often and have pondered how that applies to my life. I think changing direction is sometimes exactly what is needed to get to where you want to go.

Big changes. On a sadder note, I'm definitely going to miss some of the extraordinary people who have come into my life since I moved to Edmonton. But, I am glad that the world is smaller than it's ever been thanks to the email and messageboards and instant messaging. I am relieved that I still have a few months to spend time with friends here before we leave.

I'll leave it at that for now. I'm sure I'll be writing lots in the next few months. It's always that way when there is a lot bouncing around in my head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm so glad we met.
and are roomies for this little window.
you've made edmonton more my home.so thanks....
and i'm really happy for both of you.


7/11/2006 2:26 p.m.  
Blogger Elizabeth said...

Exciting! and scary and fun all at the same time!

congrats Leah!

I have a good feeling about this for both of you.

7/12/2006 2:00 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how very fantastic - the unknown can be so great. As long as you keep blogging in Toronto?!

7/12/2006 10:36 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

miss leah - we've talked and cried and been through all of this already. you know how much you mean to me and even though a little (ok, BIG) piece of me wants to keep you here to myself i can't nor would i ever try to keep you from something this amazing, this promising, this huge. (not assuming that i could! haha!) i think that toronto will be an incredible change with wonderful opportunities for both of you.
i clearly remember the days of the scrabble-boy crush and i am thrilled how this has turned out for you. both of you. i'm not the only one that sees it. that you and eli recognize this, this early in your relationship can only mean good things. what you have, what you're going to have, what life has in store for you. pretty remarkable stuff. i will be there, by your side, as you have been by mine...what's a few miles? i'm so estatic for you. love ya girl.

7/12/2006 11:13 a.m.  

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