Wednesday, May 23, 2007

I guess this is goodbye

I guess this is goodbye, old pal
You've been a perfect friend.

I've been thinking of ending this blog for a while now and I've decided that it's time to finally say goodbye. There are many reasons why but the most compelling is this -- the things I most want to write about right now are not the things I feel comfortable posting on a public space. I am well aware that words posted to the internet can (and probably will) come back to haunt me for years to come and thus, this site, which started off being a very important form of self-expression, has become stiffling.

The end of this site doesn't mean the end of me writing. In fact, I'll probably be writing much more extensively when I don't feel the need to censor myself so much. Maybe I won't feel this way forever but it's how I feel right now and instead of leaving my page blank for months and months, I thought I'd at least say goodbye to those of you who come here on a regular basis.

It's been nice to have an audience to write to and I've certainly appreciated your thoughtful comments.

Until we meet again...



Blogger Eli said...

I doth protest.

5/31/2007 1:29 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


9/02/2007 5:33 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was doing a search for the poem by Albert Camus and low and behold I stumbled upon this amazingly wonderful little blog that you've written. Thank you for sharing what parts of your days have looked like. I'm sorry that you've felt the need to go. Maybe it was really due to illness or sickness of you or someone else... But you didn't say. That in itself is somehow sad to me. If there's anything I can do - I'll try.

2/01/2008 11:16 a.m.  

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