Tuesday, February 13, 2007

College Days/College Nights

Welcome to my dorm room. This is what I've been calling home for the last week and a bit. This room is considered a 'deluxe' room at the college because it has a double bed (most rooms have twins) and its own bathroom (most people have to share a bathroom with someone else). It's not so bad but I'm getting excited to go home on Friday.

Eli came for a visit this past weekend and it was so good to see him. He arrived Friday afternoon with flowers and whisked me away from the college. We ate yummy food, got drunk at a pub called the Glue Pot, explored Ottawa and just enjoyed being in each other's company. Sunday night I snuck him into my dorm room and as I went off to class early Monday morning he headed back to Toronto.

The course I'm taking feels like a waste of time which is disappointing. It's an advanced analytic course but so far it has been really underwhelming. After each lecture we are split into groups to complete banal exercises. We are then debriefed and told that there is no "right" answer. There is much repetition and very little challenge. Everyone in the class is an experienced analyst, many of us with undergraduate or graduate degrees, and I've been noticing that we all share similar sentiments. Thankfully, there's only a few more days to go.


Blogger Eli said...


2/14/2007 12:56 p.m.  

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