Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Joy of Completion


I have to post because I'm so freakin' happy right now. I have been procrastinating completing a task at work for a week! A week! I just refused to do it, finding anything and everything else to do instead. This morning when I woke up I immediately felt nauseous thinking about my overdue task. I knew deep down that I simply couldn't procrastinate anymore. I made a deal with myself that this stupid task had to be done today and I couldn't go home until it was completed. I found a number of other projects to work on all morning and then late this afternoon I finally sat down and did the stupid thing. Now it's done and I am asking myself why I made such a big deal about it. I make myself crazy sometimes. It's true.

Yay for a procrastinated task being checked off the list!

Yay! Yay! Yay!


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