Sunday, July 24, 2005

Weekend Update

I slept in this morning which was absolutely heavenly. I finally forced myself out of bed around 10am but I probably could have lingered there for a few more hours. I motivated myself to get up with the promise that I would go for coffee and a bagel and promptly made my way to the nearest Tim Horton's. Mmmmm.

This afternoon I had a date with C. and accompanied him to a barbeque that a couple of his friend's were having. After the barbeque we went for drinks (I had a very yummy bellini) and then went and saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I had a great time with him but felt absolutely no sparks. He
and I have known each other for a few years so I was surprised when he seemed to develop an interest in me. However, I think we are destined to just be friends, which doesn't bother me in the least (and hopefully will not bother him.)

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was a fun movie. I enjoyed it more than I thought I was going to. It wasn't nearly as good as the original but it was entertaining. Oh, and I loved Johnny Depp in the role of Willy Wonka.

One exciting bit of news is that I think I will soon have a roommate. Daniel is from Switzerland and will be studying here in the fall. I met with him yesterday and got a really good feeling about him. His first language is German, then French, and he just learned English over the last year. To me, that is most impressive as I live in a bilingual country but can barely stumble my way through French. We have a few details to work out, but I think he's going to move in mid-August.

Another nice part of today was receiving a long, thoughtful email from Phillip. He wrote today about the trials and tribulations of keeping a blog and the balance between privacy and making things public. He has struggled with the same questions that I've had but has seemed to come to resolution with it. He made me smile when he wrote that he tries to "be sensitive about other people's feelings and situations - as long as they haven't left me broken hearted and for another man". Ha.

And, on a completely unrelated note, I am currently lusting for this gadget:

It is a Polar RS200sd Running Computer. It tracks heart rate, pace, and distance and does about a million other neat things.


Blogger mis_nomer said...

We have the same object of desire...

9/15/2005 4:51 a.m.  

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