Monday, June 06, 2005

Sick (again)

On Saturday night, while out a party I started feeling feverish and achy. I went home and felt progressively worse. I spent most of Sunday wrapped up in a flannel blanket shivering. Now, on Saturday I was joking about having West Nile Virus and although I don't actually think that's what I have, look at the following comparisons:

I had the following symptoms:
- high fever
- bad headache
- chills
- general feeling of achiness everywhere
- stiff/sore neck
- very swollen lymph glands in my neck

Symptoms of West Nile Virus:
- fever
-body aches
- occasionally a skin rash on the trunk of the body
- swollen lymph glands

And now, look at the symptoms of Meningitis:
- fever
- chills
- headache
- vomiting
- stiff neck
- irritability and drowsiness
- eyes that are sensitive to light
- delerium and confusion (rare)
- seizures (rare)
- coma (rare)

So, after I read all of that I decided to call Capital Health and ask if they thought I should just rest or if I should go see a doctor. They recommended that I go to a doctor right away. The doctor listened to my symptoms for about 5 minutes, did a short exam, and told me that I likely had a plain old virus that was just starting to develop. So, my question is, with such vague symptoms, how do they ever differentiate someone who just has a virus and someone who is more seriously ill when the doctor doesn't do any sort of definitive testing? Is it just that 99.9% of people coming into Medicentres complaining of these kinds of symptoms turn out to just have a cold/flu so they figure that you will just return or go to the hospital if things get worse?

I'm tired of being sick so I hope this goes away soon! I feel like my immune system is non-existant as it seems like I've constantly had some sort of cold/flu for the entire winter and spring.


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