Thursday, June 23, 2005


After I ran my first 1/2 marathon, the guys at work gave me a card that now sits on the corner of my desk. It has a black and white picture of a person standing at the beginning of a long road and underneath the picture it has a quote by Anais Nin that says "life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage." I look at that card a lot. It reminds me that when I set goals and work hard towards them I'm usually successful. And, it reminds me that courage is vital in making it through this crazy world.

Courage. It's an interesting word. The root comes from the French word for heart. Merriam-Webster defines it as "mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty." But, what does that mean "to persevere" or "to withstand"? Does that mean just waking up each morning and facing the day when you don't really feel like it? Or, is it something more? I believe courage involves facing your fears. I think it means following your heart when you know what the right thing to do is, even if that thing is difficult. When I look back upon some of the pivotal moments in my life, I often knew the course I should take but I didn't always listen to myself. I'm trying to do a better job of that these days.

On a separate note, I've been searching for a long while for the journals of Anais Nin and can't seem to find them anywhere. Why are they so tough to get hold of? I'm going to have to resort to ordering online, I think.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Henry and June" is a portion of anais nin's journal, and it's pretty easy to get ahold of. The rest I haven't been able to find.

anais is fantastic. my favourite quote of hers goes something along the lines of "there came a day when it was more painful to remain in a tight bud than it was to unfurl."

6/23/2005 5:02 p.m.  
Blogger Leah said...

I'm familiar with "Henry and June" but it's more the journals (especially the middle ones) that I've been hoping to get my paws on. They are tough to find. Have you read any of her novels (Incest, Spy in the House of Love, Winter of Artifice, etc?). She is so well known for her journals but I haven't heard much about her fictional writing.

But, yeah, she's a pretty interesting character. I've been finding myself gravitating towards strong, intelligent, and sexually-liberated women writers. Margaret Atwood has me captivated right now too.

So much to read, so little time.

6/24/2005 12:17 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep, i've read most of her novels. tom came back from california once with a stack of second-hand (but in great condition) copies of her works for me.

i started to notice the same characters, themes, situations and descriptions popping up again and again in her work, but in a slightly different form each time. she is definitely a "polisher" or "embroiderer" of reality, as she decribed herself.

i think it's too easy to be focused on nin's sexuality, when in reality there was so much more to her character.

6/24/2005 7:10 a.m.  

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