Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The Times They Are A-Changin'

About six years ago, I got to know a fairly well-known musician and his band quite well. There were some romantic interludes for a couple years and then, when I started dating someone, they stopped. Over the years I have kept in touch with him and the drummer in his band and though it has all been strictly platonic in recent years, I still enjoy hearing updates and news about them and their music.

Yesterday, I received an email from the drummer letting me know that they would be coming to play a show in the city in July. He told me that he'd love to get together for a drink but also told me that he is engaged to be married in October so he must be "good". It made me realize that even rock stars end up growing up and embracing responsibility eventually. Oh, when I think back to the craziness that ensued after a few of the concerts! It's funny because that seems so very long ago. They have changed, and so have I, but I do have some incredible memories from that time. It will be good to see them and laugh over a beer or two. I'm excited that we'll all have a chance to catch up again.


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