Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Let Go

The sunshine has finally returned but my spirits still have a little ways to go. Last year at this time I was planning a trip to celebrate the solstice with a sweet soul. It's a bit startling how drastically things can change in a year. George Harrison said that all things must pass. Ah, George was the wise Beatle.

Last year at this time there were many hearts that were either in the middle of being broken or were well on their way. This year, the trend continues. A few people I know have already broken up and there seems to be a few more on the horizon. I'm not sure what it is about the summer that makes people restless and ready to re-evaluate whether they are truly happy, but that certainly seems to be the case. As difficult as it's been to weather this year on my own, I'm relieved to not be pondering the fate of a relationship. I'm relieved to not have heavy conversations to contend with and that unsettling feeling when doubts begin to surface.

Buddhists believe that attachment leads to unhappiness. I recently read a Buddhist text that said "everything is subject to change. Suffering and discontentment are the result of the attachment to circumstances and things which, by their nature, are not permanent." I certainly believe this because being afraid to let go of someone (or having someone let go of us) keeps us in situations that we shouldn't be in. It takes a lot of strength to make a bold move and let go of something that we know isn't right. It's so much easier to just continue on and hope for the best.

Take a deep breath, be brave, and most importantly, be free.


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